Mook, Anne, authorAldrich, Heather, authorCross, Jennifer, author2024-03-112024-03-112024-01-22 evaluation emphasizes iterative learning and continuous feedback, enabling teams to refine their approaches in real time (Patton 2010). This is vital in environments where initial hypotheses and methodologies might change significantly. The team scientist plays a crucial role in driving the project's success. Team scientists facilitate continuous learning and adaptation, ensuring the team remains agile and responsive to new insights and changing research landscapes. We employ qualitative, quantitative, and social network methods, providing a comprehensive assessment that captures the complexity of the team's dynamics and research outputs.born digitalreportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see scienceevaluationsocial network analysistrainingfacilitationsurveysA developmental evaluation framework for transdisciplinary teams and institutesText