Larotonda, M. A., authorLuther, Bradley M., authorWang, Yanting, authorLiu, Y., authorAlessi, David Alan, authorBerrill, Mark Allen, authorDummer, A., authorBrizuela, Fernando, authorMenoni, Carmen S., authorMarconi, Mario Carlos, authorShlyaptsev, Vyacheslav N., authorDunn, James, authorRocca, Jorge J., authorIEEE, publisher2015-07-282015-07-282004Larotonda, M. A., et al., Characteristics of a Saturated 18.9-nm Tabletop Laser Operating at 5-Hz Repetition Rate, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 10, no. 6 (November/December 2004): 1363-1367. report the characteristics of a saturated high-repetition rate Ni-like Mo laser at 18.9 nm. This table-top soft X-ray laser was pumped at a 5-Hz repetition rate by 8-ps 1-J optical laser pulses impinging at grazing incidence into a precreated Mo plasma. The variation of the laser output intensity as a function of the grazing incidence angle of the main pump beam is reported. The maximum laser output intensity was observed for an angle of 20°, at which we measured a small signal gain of 65 cm-1 and a gain-length product g × l > 15. Spatial coherence measurements resulting from a Young's double-slit interference experiment show the equivalent incoherent source diameter is about 11 μm. The peak spectral brightness is estimated to be of the order of 1 × 1024 photons s-1 mm-2 mrad-2 within 0.01% spectral bandwidth. This type of practical, small scale, high-repetition soft X-ray laser is of interest for many applications.born digitalarticleseng©2004 IEEE.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see incidence pumpinghigh-repetition ratenickel-like Mox-ray lasersCharacteristics of a saturated 18.9-nm tabletop laser operating at 5-Hz repetition rateText