Parks, E. S., author2021-02-012021-02-012021 materials were created for online learning.This published collected of materials is designed for the "Co-Cultural Communication" course at Colorado State University, but it can be generatively used and/or adapted for any course related to diversity and difference in the United States. As an overview of the course materials, SPCM 334 Co-Cultural Communication equips students with the following learning objectives: 1. Recognize and describe one’s own cultural social-standing and cultural influences; 2. Describe, analyze, and compare the array of co-cultures in the United States; 3. Identify and examine cultural communication concepts, systems, processes, and issues; 4. Discuss and examine diversity discourse skills necessary to work through public forums and interpersonal conflicts as well as to communicate thoughtfully and effectively in cultural interactions; 5. Describe, discuss, and write one’s understanding of communication as connected to issues of cultural identity; 6. Analyze as critical consumers popular culture texts and (re)presentations; 7. Examine, describe and articulate the role of the United States as one prototype of many diverse global societies.born digitalopen educational resourcesOEReng educational resourcesCo-cultural communication syllabus and schedule - OER project materialsCo-Cultural communication: open access course materials - OER project materialsTextThis work is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).