Hutson, Maranda, artist2019-05-072019-05-072019 State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.The artist's statement: With this body of work, I was focused on being more mindful of moments that may have been otherwise overlooked in the headlong rush of everyday life. These small situations, displayed larger than life, explore the significant in the insignificant, and the importance of appreciating the present moment. Something that seems small and insignificant can turn into a great inspiration over time. What have we missed by not being mindful, and what possible inspirations can be found when we purposely try to be mindful and live in the present moment?born digitalStudent worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see image makingMaranda Hutson: capstoneImage