Scharf, Louis L., authorReed, Irving S., authorGoldstein, J. Scott, authorIEEE, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031998Goldstein, J. Scott, Irving S. Reed, and Louis L. Scharf, A Multistage Representation of the Wiener Filter Based on Orthogonal Projections, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44, no. 7 (November 1998): 2943-2959. Wiener filter is analyzed for stationary complex Gaussian signals from an information-theoretic point of view. A dual-port analysis of the Wiener filter leads to a decomposition based on orthogonal projections and results in a new multistage method for implementing the Wiener filter using a nested chain of scalar Wiener filters. This new representation of the Wiener filter provides the capability to perform an information-theoretic analysis of previous, basis-dependent, reduced-rank Wiener filters. This analysis demonstrates that the recently introduced cross-spectral metric is optimal in the sense that it maximizes mutual information between the observed and desired processes. A new reduced-rank Wiener filter is developed based on this new structure which evolves a basis using successive projections of the desired signal onto orthogonal, lower dimensional subspaces. The performance is evaluated using a comparative computer analysis model and it is demonstrated that the low-complexity multistage reduced-rank Wiener filter is capable of outperforming the more complex eigendecomposition-based methods.born digitalarticleseng©1998 IEEE.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see projectionsmutual informationadaptive filteringrank reductionWiener filteringA multistage representation of the Wiener filter based on orthogonal projectionsText