Rolston, Holmes, 1932-2025, author2021-04-192021-04-192021科學與宗教:為年輕人寫的簡介 Science and Religion: An Introduction for Youth, 羅斯頓 Holmes Rolston, 1932-2025 /著 ISBN 978-986-5637-96-5 陳慈美 / 譯 Translated by Tzu-Mei Chen. Chinese characters from English original Elm Hill Press, by permission. after the end of the book, pages 106-109, in Chinese Rolston, The Way of Nature Is the Way of the Cross.This is a Chinese translation of an introduction to science and religion for youth, grades 9-12. The central thesis is that youth can and ought to understand that science and religion are compatible, when appropriately understood. Youth can read it on their own, or with their parents, or with other youth in various study groups. Science teachers can refer curious students to it.Chapter 1. How do scientists/Christians think? -- Wondering How and Why! -- Chapter 2. Physics -- Matter and Energy -- Stars, Planets, the Cosmos -- Chapter 3. Biology -- Life on Wonderland Earth! -- Chapter 4. Psychology and Neuroscience -- Mind -- The Wonder of Wonders!! -- Chapter 5. Social Science -- Our Communities and Cultures -- Chapter 6. Computer Science -- The Newest, Super-Science -- Chapter 7. History -- Past, Present -- and Your Future.born digitalbookschiCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see and religionyouthphysicsbiologypsychologyneurosciencesocial sciencecomputer sciencehistory科學與宗教:為年輕人寫的簡介Science and religion: an introduction for youthText