Indermaur, Katherine, author2017-11-132017-11-132017 selection of original poems explores the history of human interaction with specific species of flora or fauna native to Wyoming. Behind the composition of each poem is significant academic research into the species’ history and significance to humans. “This Land Open” demonstrates what academic research can bring to poetry and what a poetic approach can bring to scholarly work in history. Future options for the project include composing additional poems regarding more Wyoming wildlife and assembling these separate poems into a coherent collection, perhaps including prose to help contextualize the research behind each poem.born digitalStudent workspoemsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see pinesagebrushWyominghistoryenvironmental historynaturepoetryThis land open: a poetic exploration of Wyoming's environmental historyKatherine Grace IndermaurText