Central Plains Irrigation Conference, author2007-01-032007-01-032008-02http://hdl.handle.net/10217/45939Presented at the 2008 Central Plains irrigation conference on February 19-20 in Greeley, Colorado.Manure sampling and spreader calibration: testing our recommendations -- Salt thresholds for liquid manure applications through a center pivot -- Using an integrated approach to utilizing center pivots for livestock waste management -- Strategies for reducing consumptive use of alfalfa -- Oilseed productivity under varying water availability -- Response of corn to deficit irrigation and crop rotations -- Limited irrigation research and demonstration in Colorado -- Limited irrigation cropping systems for conserving water resources in the Pumpkin Creek Watershed -- SDI conversion: important considerations -- Considerations when converting from surface to mechanical move irrigation -- Using K-State center pivot sprinkler and SDI economic comparison spreadsheet - 2008 -- Water savings from crop residue management -- Crop residue and soil water -- Effect of tillage practices and deficit irrigation on corn -- Salinity in the South Platte Basin -- Achieving a sustainable irrigated agroecosystem in the Arkansas River Basin: a historical perspective and overview of salinity, salinity control principles, practices, and strategies; Appendix I - Salt tolerance of selected crops -- Northern water efforts to improve irrigation scheduling practices -- New developments in irrigation scheduling -- Colorado crop water allocation tool.born digitalCD-ROMsconference proceedingseng©2008 Central Plains Irrigation AssociationCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see https://libguides.colostate.edu/copyright.center pivot irrigationcrop residuesirrigationsoil watersprinklerssubsurface drip irrigationsalinityProceedings of the 2008 Central Plains irrigation conferenceCentral Plains irrigation conference proceedingsCPIC proceedings 2008Text