Bonnici, Kate Bolton, authorThe Center for Literary Publishing, Colorado State University, publisher2020-12-142020-12-142020 of the Colorado Prize for Poetry.In Night Burial, Kate Bolton Bonnici mourns her mother's death from ovarian cancer by tracing the composition, decomposition, and recomposition of the maternal body. Opening with an epigraph from Julia Kristeva's "Stabat Mater," which recognizes the "abyss that opens up between the body and what had been its inside," Night Burial moves from breastfeeding to laying sod on a grave, weaving together Alabama pine forests, fairy tales, philosophy, classical and Renaissance literatures, church practices, and hospice care. Through centuries-old and newly imagined poetic forms, Night Burial crafts a haunting litany for the dead. These poems ask the essential questions of grief, intertwined with family and place: how do we address the absent beloved, and might the poem become its own conjuring whereby the I can once again speak to the you?--Provided by publisher.I. Fall Risk -- [mine eyes dry & cannot see have] -- "corpses like night soil / get carted off" -- it was a common night -- household tales -- morrow, morrow, valentine -- witchspeak -- burn permit -- burnt offering -- fall risk -- coming, mama, to carry -- recurrence -- the palace -- "in the old time, they used to putt a penny in the dead persons mouth" -- the child breaks a glass of milk -- II. ordinary time -- "in your absence there are no mortal banquets." -- measure of ordinary time -- for my mother whose mother is ill -- "let the quick then cast forth the dead" -- Blood lines -- "she died -- this was the way she died." -- primer -- iii. night burial -- [quiet & you are not among the] -- [look upon your servant] -- [thanksgiving I sat with her] -- [fled to the woods] -- [my other grandmother has stopped sewing.] -- [after the rains a path of needles,] -- [just wear it] -- [how to know someone is dying?] -- [in the opera, Manon speaks] -- [keen & cry out for the] -- [my husband holds my hand] -- [my mother fell into a sleep] -- [for one minute] -- [she left the room & she stopped breathing] -- [enter Mary] -- [daughters sing from the backseat] -- [On foot my daughters aim stiff-arms, a Stop!] -- [give me haint blue inside of which] -- [when she came home] -- [I am mad at you] -- [you, she, we, I can't,] -- [night burial, a winter sky, a winter ground] -- [you lie here do] -- [an ancient loop-someone] -- [your mother dies.] -- iv. the former object of my every thing -- "for this daie your daughter hathe bene bothe alive and deade" -- transcendental eĢtude -- gallery -- primer -- to lay sod on a grave -- the former object of my everything.born digitalbooksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see rights reserved. User is responsible for compliance. Please contact The Center for Literary Publishing, attn: Permissions at for use information.Mothers and daughters -- PoetryGrief -- PoetryNight burial: poemsTextAccess is limited to the Adams State University, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Colorado State University Pueblo, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, University of Colorado Denver, University of Denver, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University members only.