Meiman, James R.Leavesley, George H.2022-02-042022-02-042022 dataset contains temperature, precipitation, stream discharge, and snow course data as reported in Meiman and Leavesley (1974). Data were entered into Excel spreadsheets, formatted to reflect the tables in the report. Data were also reformatted and saved as .csv files to facilitate machine readability and long-term accessibility. The stream discharge data contains data from 1961 to 1971. The streams measured were Fish Creek and Upper and Lower Hourglass. Other gauges in the Little South Fork of the Cache la Poudre Watershed can be found through the USGS ( The snow course data is from 1938 to 1971 depending on location. Locations included are the Hourglass Lake Snow Course (NRCS Station: 05J11), Bennett Creek Snow Course (NRCS Station: 05J33), Pingree Park Snow Course, and Sheep Saddle Snow Course. The snow courses with NRCS station numbers can be found through the NRCS site ( of Ecosystem Science and SustainabilityWarner College of Natural ResourcesZIPCSVXLSXTXTeng ParkQuigley Mountaintemperaturerelative humiditywindcloud coversnow coursesnow depthwater contentstream dischargeData associated with “Little South Poudre Watershed Climate and Hydrology 1961-1971”DatasetThe material is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Public Domain "No rights reserved" (