Cain, Thomas, authorDoenges, Judy, advisorSchwartz, Steven, committee memberAlexander, Ruth, committee member2007-01-032014-06-302012 stories are a collection of interpretations of the neurotic individual's ability to function within an increasingly structured and permanent society. No longer facing life and death struggles for survival, man's question of self identity has been increasingly reliant upon outside influences to determine who he is and what he will stand for when confronted by an unanswerable conflict. For the person coping with a neurosis, this experience is compounded not on a grandiose scale of major events in life such as graduations, weddings, births, affairs and funerals, but events composed of daily activities which most members of our society can easily find solutions to without due regard. However, for the neurotic to match daily difficulties with their particular neurosis adds a level of complexity to the daily grind of living. These stories attempt to show these added difficulties.born digitalmasters thesesengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see timeTextAccess is limited to the Colorado State University community only.