Simons, Daryl B., authorRichardson, E. V. (Everett V.), 1924-, authorStevens, M. A., authorDuke, J. H., authorDuke, V. C., authorCivil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, publisher2017-05-312017-05-311971-08 1971.VIMHEX is an intensive program of tropical meteorological and hydrological observations taken in northeast Venezuela during the summer of 1969 to support a study of tropical atmospheric physics and the resulting effects of rainfall. The objectives of the program are to express the meso-scale weather structure in terms of the synoptic-scale envelope and to formulate the ground response to the rainfall produced by tropical weather disturbances over relatively flat tropical topography. The Volume II Hydrology Report is a compilation of the data obtained on streamflow, groundwater, and ground response in the VIMHEX study area during the summer of 1969. The report includes 2-hourly stream flow and mean daily discharge records at 25 river discharge gaging stations; measured suspended sediment at 4 river locations; river bed material size analyses at 30 locations; river bank material descriptions; groundwater table levels in 38 wells; chemical quality analysis and specific conductance for various discharges at selected river stations; soil moisture content at 4 locations; infiltration test results and soil descriptions for various areas in the drainage basins; and soil temperature data at 1 station.reportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see -- VenezuelaStream measurements -- VenezuelaWater quality -- VenezuelaVenezuelan International Meteorological and Hydrological Experiment (VIMHEX): hydrology report. v. 2, Streamflow, groundwater and ground response dataStreamflow, groundwater and ground response dataText