Rosebrock, Morgan, artist2021-05-122021-05-122021 State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.The artist's statement: Over the last four years I have learned so much about myself and my identity not only as an artist but as an educator. On this journey the connection between myself, my peers, my family, and my students have been everything. When times would get tough these groups of people were the ones that got me through it and my fiber work began to reflect that. Even when it did it never felt completely right or like that was my art and what it should be. I never saw my art going to galleries and being shown and off limits and then being stored somewhere to only be seen every once in a while. It wasn't until I made a set of kitchen towels for a project that I realized that function was missing from my connections. Growing up I practically lived in my parents' small business and I was fascinated with my father's studio. Instead of going to college my father took up an apprenticeship with a master goldsmith and mastered the trade to become one himself. So, every day I would watch him create these beautiful pieces of jewelry that had meaning to the people who received it and to the people who gave it. Once I realized that my own practice was missing a deeper personal connection to other people, I finally felt like my art had purpose. With this new insight I began to create art not only with the purpose of use and to be functional but for it to be meaningful and intimately personal to the person whom it belongs to. I want to create objects that people can create their own personal connections and memories through their uses. During this exploration of personal use, I found that texture went hand in hand with this guided various exploration. Ultimately, I landed on something that gets drilled into our heads about children and education. If we make learning personal and pertinent that's how we get through to students and they learn best. My goal as an artist and an educator is to create art that is personal and pertinent to the viewer and is something that they can find use through and give that object life. I want my dish towel to be there when you bake Christmas pie and blankets to be what brings comfort to people at their lowest. Those personal connections are everything.born digitalStudent worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see Rosebrock: capstoneText