Rocca, Jorge J., authorChilla, J. L. A., authorKanizay, K., authorMarconi, M. C., authorFilevich, R., authorEDP Sciences, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032001Filvich, J., et al., Dense Plasma Interferometry with a Tabletop Soft X-Ray Laser and an Amplitude Division Interferometer Based on Diffraction Gratings, Journal de Physique. IV, Colloque 11, no. Pr2 (2001): 483-486. have demonstrated a novel Mach-Zehnder soft x-ray interferometer that uses diffraction gratings as beam splitters. The interferometer was used together with a 46.9nm tabletop soft x-ray laser, to map the evolution of the electron density distribution of a large-scale laser created plasma.born digitalarticleseng©2001 EDP Sciences.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see plasma interferometry with a tabletop soft X-ray laser and an amplitude division interferometer based on diffraction gratingsText