Vinogradov, A. V., authorKondratenko, V. V., authorArtioukov, I. A., authorRocca, Jorge J., authorOzols, A., authorBenware, B. R., authorOptical Society of America, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031999Benware, B. R., et al., Focusing of a Tabletop Soft-X-Ray Laser Beam and Laser Ablation, Optics Letters 24, no. 23 (December 1, 1999): 1714-1716. focused the beam of a high-repetition-rate capillary-discharge tabletop laser operating at a wavelength of 46.9 nm, using a spherical Si/Sc multilayer mirror. The energy densities significantly exceeded the thresholds for the ablation of metals. Single-shot laser ablation patterns were used in combination with ray-tracing computations to characterize the focused beam. The radiation intensity within the 2-μm-diameter central region of the focal spot was estimated to be ≈1011 W/cm2, with a corresponding energy density of ~100 J/cm2.born digitalarticleseng©1999 Optical Society of America.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see of a tabletop soft-x-ray laser beam and laser ablationText