Marconi, Mario Carlo, authorIemmi, C., authorLa Mela, C., authorCapeluto, M. G., authorElsevier B. V., publisher2007-01-032007-01-032004Capeluto, M. G., et al., Scanning Mechanism Based on a Programmable Liquid Crystal Display, Optics Communications 232, no. 1-6 (March 2004): [107]-113. this work we propose a new robust optoelectronic scanning system for scanning microscopy. The device is based on a programmable liquid crystal television display (LCTV) that acts as a pixel-by-pixel controlled pure phase spatial light modulator. The computer addressed liquid crystal screen allows synthesize different diffractive optical elements at video rates. The phase shifts introduced by these elements make possible a complete control over the position and focusing of the scanning beam.born digitalarticleseng©2004 Elsevier B. V.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see diffractive elementsliquid crystal TVscanning microscopydigital image processingscannersScanning mechanism based on a programmable liquid crystal displayText