Purdom, J. F. W., authorGreen, R. N., authorWeaver, J. F., authorZehr, R. M., authorLubich, D. A., authorCooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (Fort Collins, Colo.), publisher2022-08-022022-08-021985-09https://hdl.handle.net/10217/235504September 1985.The activities of CIRA are described with regard to satellite support of the field phase of the Oklahoma-Kansas PRE-STORM experiment, and to the ongoing research projects which make use of PRE-STORM data sets. Routine GOES imagery and VAS products were displayed on a personal computer (PC) workstation located in the PRE-STORM operations support facility. Half-hourly visible and infrared imagery, two-hourly water vapor imagery, and a number of derived VAS sounding products were available in real-time. The impact of the PC workstation on PRESTORM operations is discussed. The image display and analysis products, and VAS data products for use on the PC workstation are described in detail. Finally, PC data archival procedures and preliminary plans for future research are presented.reportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see https://libguides.colostate.edu/copyright.Imaging systems in meteorologyMeteorology -- Data processingMeteorological satellitesSatellite data support to the PRE-STORM operations center, May-June 1985Text