Trumbo, Craig, author2020-06-022020-06-022020-06-01 document provides a status report and materials collection for this OER project. Work toward the OER resource was started in fall 2019 and continued until March 2020. At that time effort was diverted to revising the course to online delivery for the balance of the semester. The faculty member was awarded a sabbatical for the 2020-21 AY. The OER will be brought to full completion in fall 2021. The following materials are provided here: OER proposal, lecture slides and lab exercises, and a collection of news articles pertaining to scientific studies was started here.born digitalopen educational resourcesOERengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see educational resourcesJTC270 quantitative analysis in journalism and media - OER project materialsText