Rolston, Holmes, 1932-, authorMacmillan Reference USA, Thomson-Gale, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032005Rolston, Holmes, III, Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology, Jones, Lindsay, Mircea Eliade, and Charles J. Adams, editors, Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed., 12: 8473-8477. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson/Gale, 2005. bibliographical references (pages 8476-8477).Sociobiology and evolutionary psychology are related fields both of which claim that biology is the principal determinant in human affairs. A frequent motif is that the basic thrust of all life is "selfish." Critics claim that there is, even in biology, more than one way of framing this behavior. Further, this fails to recognize the novel dimensions emergent with human culture. Persons with essentially the same genetic makeup can be converted from one worldview to another. Humans often operate with more inclusive religious and moral convictions that have little to do with selfish genes.born digitalchapters (layout features)eng©2005 Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permisssion: and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see affairsbiologyreligioncultural developmentgenesDarwinismSociobiology and evolutionary psychologyText