Colorado State Forest Service, compiler2019-09-172019-09-172013 in: Fort Collins office files. Girl Scouts of Colorado (GSC) records related Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) programs related to Magic Sky Ranch. Includes 3 letters between CSFS and GSC: A Colorado Forest Restoration Grant application which was not supported; State Fire Assistance (SFA) Wild land Urban Interface (WUI) Competitive Grant which was not supported; and a State Fire Assistance (SFA) grant which was recordsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see State Forest Service -- History -- SourcesForests and forestry--ColoradoGirl Scouts of Colorado - State Fire AssistanceTextCollection is owned by the Colorado State Forest Service. For access to the original materials, please contact the Fort Collins ( or Boulder ( office as appropriate.