Brueggemann, Walter, authorChristian Century, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032010Brueggemann, Walter, Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III [Review], Christian Century [127, no. 2] (January 26, 2010): 37-39 review of Christopher Preston's Saving Creation: nature and faith in the life of Holmes Rolston III. Christopher Preston offers a winsome, straightforward account of Rolston's life, bringing him the recognition and full appreciation that are appropriate for this remarkable person and his unassuaged passion for honoring and protecting creation. Preston concludes with a splendid reflection on how Rolston has managed, in a bold and imaginative way, to bring coherence to his Christian nuture and his passion for nature. Rolston has a remarkable capacity to make magnificently informed connections across the scientific data.born digitalbiographical sketchesreviews (documents)eng©2010 Christian Century.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see ethicsRolston, Holmes, 1932-biographyscienceSaving creation: nature and faith in the life of Holmes Rolston III (review)Text