Kim, Hae Sun, authorDavis, William B., advisorLaGasse, A. Blythe, advisorFails, Anna Dee, committee member2007-01-032007-01-032014 the lower verbal output in many children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a number of interventions in English are available for them. However, currently there are no interventions specifically researched with children with ASD who come from different language backgrounds other than English. The present study examined the effect of an intonation-based treatment called auditory-motor mapping training (AMMT) to facilitate verbal output in two children with a diagnosis of ASD from Korean-speaking households. Both participated in a total of nine AMMT sessions in addition to four assessments over a 4-week period. A baseline assessment was conducted prior to the first treatment, and probe assessments were conducted after treatment session 3, 6, and 9. Each child's verbal production including consonants and vowels were measured. The results showed some improvements in the production of consonants and vowels over the treatment period; however, the differences were not significant. Although no statistically significant results were observed in this pilot study, more conclusive results may be observed in future studies adhering to the suggested recommendations.born digitalmasters thesesengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see mapping trainingauditory motor mapping trainingautismautism spectrum disordermelodic intonation therapymusic therapyThe effect of auditory-motor mapping training in Korean on the speech output of children with autismText