Chalmers, S. A., authorLear, Kevin L., authorKilleen, K. P., authorIEE, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031993Lear, K. L., S. A. Chalmers, and K. P. Killeen, Low Threshold Voltage Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser, Electronics Letters 29, no. 7 (1 April 1993): 584-586. surface emitting laser diodes with threshold voltages as low as 1•48 V are demonstrated. The devices have low-resistance epitaxial mirrors, and current passes through the entire mirror stack. The low threshold voltage results from both low threshold current densities and mirrors with low resistivities even at low current densities. The laser fabrication sequence is relatively quick and simple and allows for the rapid characterization of vertical-cavity surface-emittin glaser material.born digitalarticleseng©1993 IEE.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see lasersLow threshold voltage vertical cavity surface-emitting laserText