Murnane, M. M., authorKapteyn, H. C., authorLeone, S. R., authorWeinacht, T. C., authorBartels, R. A., authorAmerican Physical Society, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032002Bartels, R. A., et al., Nonresonant Control of Multimode Molecular Wave Packets at Room Temperature, Physical Review Letters 88, no. 3 (21 January 2002): 033001-1-033001-4. demonstrate the creation and measurement of shaped multimode vibrational wave packets with overtone and combination mode excitation in CCl4. Excitation of wave packets through nonresonant impulsive stimulated Raman scattering allows for coherent control of molecular vibrations without passing through an electronic resonance. This technique is therefore very general and can be implemented in a large class of molecular gases and liquids at STP, which were previously inaccessible because their resonances are in the VUV.born digitalarticleseng©2002 American Physical Society.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see control of multimode molecular wave packets at room temperatureText