Siegel, Howard Jay, authorMaciejewski, Anthony A., authorMoranville, Patrick, authorHale, Jennifer, authorUmland, Robert, authorSmith, Jay, authorShestak, Vladimir, authorCSREA Press, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032006Shestak, Vladimir, et al., Greedy Approaches to Static Stochastic Robust Resource Allocation for Periodic Sensor Driven Distributed Systems, [International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Technqiues and Applications: PDPTA '06: June 26-29, 2006, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: 7 p.]. research investigates the problem of robust resource allocation for a large class of systems operating on periodically updated data sets under an imposed quality of service (QoS) constraint. Such systems are expected to function in an environment replete with uncertainty where the workload is likely to fluctuate substantially. Determining a resource allocation that accounts for this uncertainty in a way that can provide a probabilistic guarantee that a given level of QoS is achieved is an important research problem. First, this paper defines a methodology for quantifiably determining a resource allocation's ability to satisfy QoS constraint in the midst of uncertainty in system parameters. Uncertainty in system parameters and its impact on system performance are modeled stochastically. Second, the established stochastic model is employed to develop greedy resource allocation heuristics. Finally, the utility of the proposed stochastic robustness metric and the performance of the heuristics are evaluated in a simulated environment that replicates a heterogeneous cluster-based radar system.born digitalproceedings (reports)eng©2006 CSREA Press.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see heuristicsstochastic optimizationheterogeneous distributed systemsresource allocationGreedy approaches to static stochastic robust resource allocation for periodic sensor driven distributed systemsText