Colorado State University. Student Affairs in Higher Education, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031996 mission of the Colorado State University Journal of Student Affairs is to develop and produce a scholarly publication that reflects current education issues and the professional interests of student affairs practitioners. Specifically, the Journal provides an opportunity for the publication of articles by current students, alumni, faculty, and associates of the Student Affairs in Higher Education graduate program at Colorado State University. Articles are submitted in the fall and the Journal is published mid-spring.A qualitative look at a high ropes course experience / Patrick W. Rastall -- Applying Astin's Involvement Theory to student-faculty interaction / Jeffrey Alan Hoffman -- The importance of students and their use of power through student activism / Becki Eatch and Jennifer Iannacone -- Incorporating the concept of internalized oppression into campus training models / DeEtta M. Jones -- Increasing the participation of historically underrepresented students in study abroad programs / Allison V. Carroll -- Using student development theory to enhance experience based learning / Linda Cleeland -- Meeting the needs of gay, lesbian, and bisexual students on campus / Tricia L. Sullivan -- Student organizations and institutional legal liability / Nancy Barrow and Sunshine B. Martin -- Historically Black colleges & universities: a model of success for historically White institutions / R. James Emery -- Exploring gender theory in the context of Greek life / Mariam G. Taft -- Application of Astin's Involvement Theory toward residence hall programming in the 1990s / Ray F. Gasser -- Viewing students as consumers is short changing everyone!/ James H. Banning.journals (periodicals)engCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see affairs services -- United States -- PeriodicalsStudent affairs administrators -- Training of -- Colorado -- Fort Collins -- PeriodicalsJournal of student affairs, vol. V, 1996Journal of student affairs, vol. 5, 1996Text