Hernandez, Alanis, artist2022-05-112022-05-112022https://hdl.handle.net/10217/234989Colorado State University Art and Art History Department capstone project.Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.The artist's statement: My illustrations and prints mostly center around my identity and cultural heritage, specifically about what it means to be a first generation Latina living in the United States. My art has allowed me to create depictions of my family and cultural roots. One of my main goals is to focus on all parts of my lived experiences both good and bad. Being able to tell stories of my community is an essential aspect of my art and expression. In my work I often like to juxtapose happy and bright imagery with concepts and storytelling of my hardships and struggles I’ve had to face. I do most of my work digitally and through printmaking, though I don't limit myself to solely those mediums. My art process typically entails days of brainstorming followed by initial sketches. Initial sketches and ideas are typically the longest part of my process as I like to pursue a variety of different ideas until one stands out to me most. Once I have an idea that works best to me I am able to hone in on details and final adjustments fairly quickly. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and often combine both digital and printmaking. A lot of my work can be characterized often through bold strokes, vibrant color palettes and a lot of texture. These elements are what allow me to best create a relationship between my identity and art.born digitalStudent worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see https://libguides.colostate.edu/copyright.graphic designAlanis Hernandez: capstoneText