Rocca, Jorge J., authorBenware, B. R., authorMoreno, C. H., authorChilla, J. L. A., authorMarconi, M. C., authorAmerican Physical Society, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031997Marconi, M. C., et al., Measurement of the Spatial Coherence Buildup in a Discharge Pumped Table-Top Soft X-Ray Laser, Physical Review Letters 70, no. 15 (October 13, 1997): 2799-2802. have measured the variation of the spatial coherence with plasma column length in a saturated table-top 46.9-nm Ne-like Ar capillary discharge soft x-ray amplifier for lengths up to 16.4 cm. The measurements, which are in good agreement with time dependent wave-optics model computations, provide the first experimental evidence of a monotonic increase of the coherence with length in a soft x-ray amplifier. The variation of the coherence across the beam profile was also studied. Off axis, the coherence is larger in the tangential than in the radial direction.born digitalarticleseng©1997 American Physical Society.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see of the spatial coherence buildup in a discharge pumped table-top soft x-ray laserText