Borchert, Phillip, author2024-12-092024-12-092024 2024 HONR 499: Senior Honors Thesis, College of Business.This thesis is a business plan exploration of Kasooli, a venture-backed senior design project from Colorado State University's Scott College of Engineering, inspired by faculty member Robert Serunjogi. Kasooli aims to launch affordable, sustainable menstrual products made from corn fibers into the U.S. market, addressing environmental concerns and menstrual health needs. The paper examines market dynamics, consumer preferences, and operational strategies through primary research, customer discovery, expert interviews, and financial modeling. Key findings highlight the potential for eco-friendly, cost-effective hygiene solutions to bridge the gap between traditional and premium products. This study outlines a strategic roadmap for Kasooli's market entry, emphasizing its potential to drive innovation in sustainable hygiene solutions.born digitalStudent worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see business planKasooli sustainable product: developing sustainable health solutionsText