Schneider, William, authorUtah State University Press, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032002 by numerous stories collected from Alaska, the Yukon, and South Africa and further enlivened by the author's accessible style and experiences as a longtime oral historian and archivist, So They Understand is a comprehensive study of the special challenges and concerns involved in documenting, representing, preserving, and interpreting oral narratives.How Stories Work -- Introduction -- A Career Full of Stories -- What's in a Story -- Sorting Out Oral Tradition and Oral History -- Types of Stories -- Personal Narratives: Shared One to Another -- Gathering to Tell Stories: The Neglected Genre in Oral History -- In Search of the Story: Interviewers and Their Narrators -- Life Histories: The Constructed Genre -- Issues Raised by Stories -- The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth -- Issues of Representation -- Intellectual Property Rights and the Public: Unfinished Business -- The Public Record.born digitalbooksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see rights reserved. User is responsible for compliance. Please contact University Press of Colorado at for use information.Oral traditionOral they understand...: cultural issues in oral historyTextAccess is limited to the Adams State University, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, Colorado State University Pueblo, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, University of Colorado Denver, University of Denver, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University members only.