Chasarik, Kaitlyn, artist2015-09-292015-09-292014 State University Art Department capstone project.Capstone contains the artist's statement, a list of works, and images of works.The artist's statement: My work focuses largely on creating graphic design that builds the image of companies as the people that make them instead of the products they sell. I have found that the graphic design in today's world too often focuses on distancing the creator from the consumer. The reality of any creation is that someone somewhere made it, and graphic design can build a discussion between them and the consumer. I often use softer lines and traditional artwork to reduce that distance. If a product looks like it was done by hand, the consumer will see the creator as closer to them in relationship. With my graphic design I ultimately want to build those relationships. I also enjoy creating sequences with my graphic design work. I want not only the creator and consumer to have a relationship, I want each piece to have a relationship with the other pieces. Many of my pieces of work have several images relating to the same project. In some images I have grouped the images so that the relationship is more clear. The fact of the matter is that all but three of my pieces is stand-alone. The rest relate to several pieces in my portfolio collection. Even the pieces that stand-alone relate to the rest of my work, however. No piece is truly separate from the others, even though they may be for different clientele. It is important to me that each piece speaks for me, the artist, as a view into myself. With my sequences also comes variety. While I want every piece to speak to who I am as an artist, I also want every piece to be able to be unique enough that it can stand-alone if necessary. In the real world most graphic design wouldn't be seen in such sequential order, so it was important that I focus on each piece as an individual, not only a whole. Ultimately my artwork speaks for the creator, the intertwining pieces, and itself. My artwork therefore speaks for me as well.Student worksengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see Chasarik: capstoneStillImage