Rolston, Holmes, 1932-2025, authorCentre for World Dialogue, publisher2007-01-032007-01-032002Rolston, Holmes, 1932-2025, Justifying Sustainable Development: A Continuing Ethical Search, Global Dialogue 4, no. 1 (Winter 2002): 103-113. criticisms of sustainable development are examined: (1) Is it moral umbrella? Or cover-up? (2) Do we have duties to future generations? (3) How far do rich Americans have duties of justice or benevolence to the developing world? (4) Is producing more, even sustainably, an ultimate good? (5) Do we seek sustainable development or a sustainable biosphere? Finally, if sustainability is justified, ought we to enforce it?born digitalarticleseng©2002 Centre for World Dialogue.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see needsconservationsustainable developmentenvironmental ethicsjusticeecological integrityJustifying sustainable development: a continuing ethical searchText