Murnane, Margaret, authorKapteyn, Henry, authorChristov, Ivan, authorBackus, Sterling, authorBartels, Randy, authorElsevier Science B. V., publisher2007-01-032007-01-032001Bartels, Randy, et al., Attosecond Time-Sale Feedback Control of Coherent X-Ray Generation, Chemical Physics 267, no. 1-3 (1 June 2001): [277]-289. generation is an extreme, high-order, nonlinear process that converts intense, ultrafast, visible and infrared laser light pulses coherently into the soft X-ray region of the spectrum. We demonstrate that by optimizing the shape of an ultrafast laser pulse, we can selectively enhance this process by promoting strong constructive interference between X-ray bursts emitted from adjacent optical cycles. This work demonstrates that coherent control of highly nonlinear processes in the strong-field regime is possible by adjusting the relative timing of the crests of an electromagnetic wave on a sub-optical cycle, attosecond time scale.born digitalarticleseng©2001 Elsevier Science B. V.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see time-sale feedback control of coherent X-ray generationText