Rolston, Holmes, 1932-, authorJoint Publication Board of Zygon, publisher2020-07-272020-07-272000Rolston, H., III (2000), Review, John Polkinghorne, Science and Theology: An Introduction (London: SPCK Press, and Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998) in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 35(2000):189-191. is an electronic version of an article published in Zygon®: Journal of Religion and Science.John Polkinghorne is well known as a leading figure relating theology to physics. Confronted with the claim that science and theology are inevitably at odds with each other, Polkinghorne replied, and here demonstrates, that "You don't have to commit intellectual suicide to be a believer."born digitalreviews (documents)eng©2000 Joint Publication Board of Zygon.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see in naturecosmologyReview of John Polkinghorne's Science and theology: an introductionScience and theology: an introduction - reviewText