Choun, Jeanne Marri, authorGinsberg, Ricki, advisorCoffino, Kara, committee memberSorensen, Leif, committee member2021-01-112021-01-112020 research explores the perceptions that adolescent leaders in a middle school environment related to themselves and peers in a leadership program. Findings were collected through interviews and survey responses over a 4-year period and suggest that male and female adolescent leaders have differing approaches and styles of leading. While the results suggest that adolescent female leaders tend to be more productive and on-task as well as more involved in leadership opportunities, this is not reflective of roles that women fill in the managerial and leadership assignments in various work sectors.born digitalmasters thesesengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see leadershipyouth leadershipmiddle school transitionDeveloping America's youth: an empirical study of today's adolescent leadersText