Bowens Blair, Natasha, speakerPritchett, James, speakerColorado State University. Lory Student Center, filmmaker2022-01-312022-01-312021-10-16 by Colorado State University. Lory Student Center.Accessibility features: Unedited transcript. To request an edited transcript, please contact or call (970) 491-1844.Natasha Bowens Blair, author of The Color of Food, speaks at the Lory Student Center at Colorado State University, October 16, 2021. The book explores ways we can cultivate new ideas about food justice, land, bringing people together, and joining in a conversation about race and identity, both locally and around the world. Introduction by James Prichett.1 hour 20 minutes 39 secondsborn digitalmotion pictures (visual works)digital moving image formatstranscriptsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see sovereigntyfood justiceracejusticeequityfoodlandNatasha Bowens-Blair: author of the Color of Food: keynote and book signingMovingImage