Grigg, Neil S., authorBotham, Leslie H., authorRice, Leonard, authorShoemaker, W. J., authorTucker, L. Scott, authorEnvironmental Resources Center, Colorado State University, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031975 1975.Techniques for evaluating minor and major Urban Drainage and Flood Control (UDFC) Projects are described. Economic, political, engineering, financial and legal problems must be faced prior to implementation of proper levels of these projects. The measurement of tangible benefits is described while a literature review revealed no direct objective techniques for quantifying intangibles. Some methods for establishing the relative rankings of intangible contributions show promise for improvement of evaluation techniques, however. The legal problem of establishing benefits is described and a copy of recently enacted Colorado legislation is included. Information on the estimation of flood damages and the selection of discount rates is presented for use by the analyst. Careful coordination of land use and drainage control measures is stressed. Related recent legislation and regulations are included.reportsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see controlDrainageFlood control -- Colorado -- DenverDrainage -- Colorado -- DenverUrban drainage and flood control projects: economic, legal and financial aspectsText