Villanueva, Arturo N., Jr., authorSimske, Steven J., advisorHefner, Rick D., committee memberKrishnaswamy, Nikhil, committee memberMiller, Erika, committee memberRoberts, Nicholas, committee member2023-08-282023-08-282023 language processing (NLP) has seen significant advances in recent years, but challenges remain in making algorithms both efficient and accurate. In this study, we examine three key areas of NLP and explore the potential of meta-algorithmics and functional analysis for improving analytic and machine learning performance and conclude with expansions for future research. The first area focuses on text classification for requirements engineering, where stakeholder requirements must be classified into appropriate categories for further processing. We investigate multiple combinations of algorithms and meta-algorithms to optimize the classification process, confirming the optimality of Naïve Bayes and highlighting a certain sensitivity to the Global Vectors (GloVe) word embeddings algorithm. The second area of focus is extractive summarization, which offers advantages to abstractive summarization due to its lossless nature. We propose a second-order meta-algorithm that uses existing algorithms and selects appropriate combinations to generate more effective summaries than any individual algorithm. The third area covers document ordering, where we propose techniques for generating an optimal reading order for use in learning, training, and content sequencing. We propose two main methods: one using document similarities and the other using entropy against topics generated through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).born digitaldoctoral dissertationsengCopyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see summarizationmeta-algorithmicstext classificationfunctional analysisdocument orderingnatural language processingOptimizing text analytics and document automation with meta-algorithmic systems engineeringText