Colorado Institute of Public Policy, author2007-01-032007-01-032006 Rocky Mountain West continually faces complicated and rapidly changing water policy challenges. Today, water issues are fundamentally about the people of the West, and the diverse beliefs and values that they hold. To illustrate how beliefs and values are connected to water challenges, this presentation accompanies report, "Water in 2025: beliefs and values as a means for cooperation" (, and highlights the results of two surveys given to 84 stakeholders in Colorado.born digitalPresentation slideseng©2004 Colorado Institute of Public Policy.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see rights -- West (U.S.)Water quality -- West (U.S.)Water use -- West (U.S.)Lifestyles -- Rocky MountainsWater in the Rocky Mountain West, 2025Text