Parks, Elizabeth, author2020-06-092020-06-092020-06-09 materials were created for in-person learning.This is a set of materials collected for the OER project funded by the Colorado OER Council Grant (AY 2019-20). The following materials are included in this report for SPCM 334 Introduction to Co-Cultural Communication. 1. OER proposed material development SPCM introduction to co-cultural communication, 2. Syllabus resources (OER conducive), 3. Summary of open source materials and optional discussion, and 4. Questions collection of assessments and activities.born digitalopen educational resourcesOEReng educational resourcesSPCM 334 introduction to co-cultural communication - OER project materialsTextThis work is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).