Chauhan, B. S., authorStewart, J. W. B., authorPaul, E. A., authorNRC Research Press, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031981-05Chauhan, B. S., J. W. B. Stewart, and E. A. Paul, Effect of Labile Inorganic Phosphate Status and Organic Carbon Additions on the Microbial Uptake of Phosphorus in Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 61, no. 2 (May 1981): 373-385. in English and French.The effect of labile inorganic phosphate (Pi) status of the soil on the decomposition of added cellulose and on the immobilization, mineralization, and redistribution of native and added P in soils was studied in a greenhouse incubation experiment. Cellulose was added at 765 μg C∙g−1 soil with and without P (9 μg∙g−1 soil) every 30 days under adequate N, H2O, and constant temperature to two soils of different available P status. Lack of P eventually slowed down decomposition of added C, but this effect was partially compensated for by increased mineralization of organic P (Po) forms. Added P was redistributed to both P, (58–69%) and Po (42–31%) forms; higher amounts of Po were found in the soil with the highest Pi status. The correlation between microbial P uptake and solution P values was significant, and microbial C:P ratios ranged from 12:1 under high available P conditions to 45:1 where P was in low supply.born digitalarticleseng©1981 NRC Research Press.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see Csoil biomassmicrobial PlysingP cycleEffect of labile inorganic phosphate status and organic carbon additions on the microbial uptake of phosphorus in soilsText