Young, Josh, authorSociety of Quality Assurance, publisher2016-06-092016-06-092016-06-03 at the National data integrity conference: data sharing: the how, why, when and when not to share held on June 2-3, 2016 at University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado. The National Data Integrity Conference is a gathering of people sharing new challenges and solutions regarding research data and integrity. This conference aims to provide attendees with both an understanding of data integrity issues and impart practical tools and skills to deal with them. Topics addressed will include data privacy, openness, policy, education and the impacts of sharing data, how to do it, when to do it, and when not to. Speakers and audience members come from diverse fields such as: Academic Research; Information Technology; Quality Assurance; Regulatory Compliance; Private Industry; Grant Funding; Government.PowerPoint presentation during Lightning Talks given on June 3, 2016.Josh is affiliated with the University of Colorado Denver.Includes bibliographical references.The US has prospered by recognizing the value of public resources and providing neutral experts able to facilitate the use of those resources whether by citizens or businesses. The Land-Grant Universities come to mind as an early example in US history when the US Congress passed the Morrill Act authorizing the selling of federal property to fund the creation of state universities focused on agricultural and technical education. Land Grants were followed by Sea Grants, Space Grants, and Sun Grants with each program following a slightly different federal funding or authorization model. In the case of Land Grants, Congress recognized the need for experts to go beyond the academic teaching of the Land-Grant Universities and authorized the creation of Land-Grant Cooperative Extension Services thereby bringing experts to rural communities with the passage of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914. While each of these traditional public resources were and are valuable economic drivers for this country there are others that might be currently more significant. Specifically, it is time to recognize that data, or at least data that is publicly funded, is one of the greatest public trust resources of the 21st century. While many institutions are supporting data-related initiatives there is still a strong need for the equivalent of a Data Grant.born digitalPresentation slideseng resourcesopen databenefitschallengesdata grantFacilitating the use of a 21st century resource: a new application for an old modelTextThis presentation is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).