Rolston, Holmes, 1932-, authorSocial Science Press, publisher2007-01-032007-01-031991Rolston, Holmes, III, 生态伦理学存在吗?, Qiu, Renzong, ed., 国外自然科学哲学问题 (International Philosophical Problems in Natural Science) 1990, 146-157. Beijing: Social Science Press, 1991. by Ye Ping, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin.Includes bibliographical references (page 157).Text in Chinese.An ecological ethic is puzzling in its mixture of science and ethics. A) In secondary ecological ethics, we distinguish a proximate moral ought, ecologically informed, operating through natural law, but which is preceded by an antecedent moral ought that is classical. Injunctions to recycle are of this kind. B) in primary ecological ethics, ecosystemic evaluation has informed even the antecedent moral ought, and the descriptive and prescriptive arise together. Injunctions to maximize the beauty, integrity, and stability of the ecosystem are of this kind.born digitalchapters (layout features)chi©1991 Social Science Press.Copyright and other restrictions may apply. User is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. For information about copyright law, please see principlesnatural lawecologyecological ethicsenvironmental ethicsconservationstewardshipecosystems生态伦理学存在吗?Is there an ecological ethic?Sheng tai lun li xue cun zai ma?Text