Department of Soil & Crop Sciences
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These digital collections contain theses, dissertations, faculty publications, and datasets from the Department of Soil & Crop Sciences. Also included is a collection of works by Dr. Eldor A. Paul, a Senior Research Scientist at the Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory. Due to departmental name changes, materials from the following historical department are also included here: Agronomy.
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Item Open Access 14C Allocation in tree–soil systems(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1994) Paul, Eldor A., author; Pregitzer, Kurt S., author; Horwath, William R., author; Heron Publishing, publisherWe studied whole-tree C allocation with special emphasis on the quantification of C allocation to roots and root respiration. To document seasonal patterns of C allocation, 2-year-old hybrid poplar trees greater than 3 m tall were labeled with 14CO2 in a large Plexiglas chamber in the field, in July and September. Climate and CO2 concentration were controlled to track ambient conditions during labeling. Individual tree canopy CO2 assimilation averaged 3.8 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 (12.9 g C day−1 tree−1) in July and 6.2 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 (9.8 g C day−1 tree−1) in September. Aboveground dark respiration was 12% of net daytime C fixation in July and 15% in September. Specific activity of root–soil respiration peaked 2 days after labeling and stabilized to less than 5% of maximum 2 weeks later. Low specific activity of root–soil respiration and a labeled pool of root C demonstrated that current photosynthate was the primary source of C for root growth and maintenance during the growing season. Root respiration averaged 20% of total soil respiration in both July and September based on the proportion of labeled C respired to labeled C fixed. In July, 80% of the recovered 14C was found above ground and closely resembled the weight distribution of the growing shoot. By September, 51% of the recovered 14C was in the root system and closely resembled the weight distribution of different size classes of roots. The finding that the distribution of biomass and 14C were similar verified that the C introduced during labeling followed normal seasonal translocation pathways. Results are compared to smaller scale labeling studies and the suitability of the approach for studying long-term C fluxes is discussed.Item Open Access A comparison of humic fractions of Chernozemic and Luvisolic soils by elemental analyses, UV and ESR spectroscopy(Colorado State University. Libraries, 1974-11) Paul, E. A., author; Anderson, D. W., author; Russell, D. B., author; St. Arnaud, R. J., author; Agricultural Institute of Canada, publisherThe Ah horizons of a Brown–Dark Brown–Black–Dark Gray–Gray Luvisolic sequence of Canadian grassland and forest soils were studied. Clay-associated humus was present in greater proportions in the grassland than in forest soils, particularly in the grassland soils of the more arid regions. Amounts of alkali-pyrophosphate-extractable humus increased in the Brown to Gray Luvisolic sequence. Alkali-pyrophosphate-extractable humic acid (HA-A) contents were greatest in the Black and Dark Gray soils. C:H ratios, extinction coefficients at 280 nm (E280), and resistance to acid hydrolysis of the HA-A and clay-associated HA-B increased in the Brown to Gray Luvisolic sequence. Free radical concentrations were least for the Brown and Dark Brown soils, moderate for the Black and greatest for the Gray Luvisolic soils. The data suggest an increase in the proportion of aromatic components in the humic acids in going from the Brown to the Gray Luvisolic soils. An objective, multivariate similarity analysis based on 22 humus characteristics showed a relationship between soil zone or soil environment and the nature of the soil's humus.Item Open Access A comprehensive microbiome analysis of wheat and its wild relatives(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2018) Cantor, Heather, author; Byrne, Patrick F., advisor; Broders, Kirk, committee member; Stromberger, Mary, committee memberMicrobiomes are diverse assemblages of endophytic and free-living microorganisms that can confer competitive advantages to their plant hosts such as water acquisition, nutrient mobilization, drought tolerance, salt tolerance, and disease resistance (Chaparro et al., 2012; Sherameti et al., 2008; Zolla et al., 2013). Plant domestication and selective breeding have altered the composition of these plant-microbe interactions in several crops. It is thought that the progenitors of the A, B, and D genomes in modern hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) manage environmental stress in their native environment by establishing symbioses with a consortium of beneficial microbes (Iannucci et al., 2017). However, these microbial communities are not well understood. The goal of this study is to better understand the core community of microbes in wild wheat relatives and how they differ from the microbiome of cultivated wheat. This study compares the bacterial and fungal taxa found in and on the leaves, roots, and rhizosphere of three accessions of hard winter wheat and 14 accessions of eight wild relative species grown in a common soil. These plants and the agricultural soil they inhabit were sampled from a randomized complete block design with two replications, grown in well-watered and water-limited treatments in Fort Collins, Colorado. DNA was extracted and barcoded amplicon sequencing of the 16S-V4 (bacteria/archaea) and ITS2 (fungi) small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes was used to describe the diversity of the microbial community associated with the root, rhizosphere and leaves of each accession. The results indicate that while there were limited differences in microbial communities among plant species, plant tissue type appears to be a strong predictor of microbial community structure. Across all plant genotypes, the rhizosphere consistently contained the most diverse and abundant microbiomes, followed by roots, and lastly leaves, which were the least diverse tissue type. When these three tissue types were analyzed independently (PERMANOVA), there was a significant difference in rhizosphere communities between the wet and dry treatments. Wet treatments contained a greater number of facultative anaerobes and bacteria common to cold, saturated soils. The wet treatment received an additional 13 mm of water, applied five days prior to collection. Overall, while plant host genotypes did not differ significantly in their microbiomes, some unique symbioses among different plant accessions indicate evolutionary adaptation. An initial look at the core microbiome shared among representatives of the five plant genomes in this study showed few shared sequence variants (<2% of total microbial SV's). However, this was largely explained by the use of high-resolution SV's that do not necessarily equate to different taxonomic assignment, suggesting an inflated number of actual microbial taxa. Coarser taxonomic overviews depicted a more realistic, and narrow, number of participating taxonomic groups in the phytobiome. Plant tissue type remained a chief driver of microbiome composition. Soil moisture and fertility may have also played a role in determining microbial community structure, but since they were not measured in this study, claims cannot as yet be made. The close genetic relationships among plant species in this study may have reduced the observable differences in microbial community structure. Additionally, common garden experiments limit the pool of potential plant-microbe interactions. Despite the advancement and evolution of modern wheat, the microbiome remains essentially the same as the microbiomes of wild relatives, when grown in the same soil. This indicates that modern winter wheat retains the same ability to recruit and sustain its microbiome as its wild relatives. In the future, microbiome consensus studies in these hosts' centers of origin could broaden our understanding of long-evolved microbial symbioses.Item Open Access A mechanistic approach to modeling saturation and protection mechanisms of soil organic matter(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2009) Olchin, Gabriel Peter, author; Paustian, Keith, advisorSimulation models have been used extensively as a research tool in the field of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and should embody our best understandings of the processes and mechanisms controlling these dynamics. Our objective was to develop and evaluate a SOM model based upon measureable soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions and optimize it against long-term tillage experiments in North America. This model will include (1) soil aggregate dynamics, with direct influence from tillage events; (2); and the mechanisms of SOM stabilization; and (3) explicitly address the concept of potential SOC saturation. The major proposed mechanisms for SOM stabilization-physical occlusion, organic recalcitrance, and organo-mineral interactions-have limited explicit inclusion in current SOM models.Item Open Access A meta-analysis of measured annual nutrient runoff from agricultural land in North America(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2024) Hopkins, Austin P., author; Ippolito, Jim, advisor; Harmel, Daren, committee member; Mueller, Nathan, committee member; Ross, Matthew, committee memberNitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are significant agricultural inputs and drivers of water quality. It is the focus of producers and government agencies to keep soil and nutrients in productive agricultural land and out of waterways. Field-scale runoff and water quality data are critical to understanding the fate of agricultural nutrients and mitigating their off-site transport; it is at the field-scale that agricultural management decisions are typically made. However, regional influences such as precipitation, temperature, and prevailing cropping and management practices also impact nutrient runoff. The goal of this dissertation was to quantify the effects agricultural practices have on nutrient loss from agricultural lands. The Measured Annual Nutrient load from Agricultural Environments (MANAGE) database was updated with 27 additional studies focused on N and P loss to bring the total number of site years to over 3,300. EPA level II ecoregions were assigned to each entry, and it was observed that the database covered much of the North American humid/semi humid agricultural landscape. In the early 1980's, the first compilation of nutrient export coefficients for specific land uses in the U.S. was completed. Building off that initial effort, the "Measured Annual Nutrient loads from AGricultural Environments" (MANAGE) database was developed in 2006 to make annual nutrient runoff data from agricultural land uses publicly available. MANAGE presents annual field-scale N and P runoff data, along with descriptive data such as land use, tillage, conservation practices, soil type, soil test P, slope, and fertilizer formulation, rate, and application method along with runoff, precipitation, and soil erosion data. Subsequent MANAGE updates added more studies and additional data fields (e.g., crop yield, nutrient uptake, fertilizer application timing) as well as runoff N and P data from forests and drainage studies from the Midwestern and Eastern U.S. Here, we update MANAGE to facilitate its use in regional analyses, expanding the database to 3326 site years of data, including 27 additional studies along with Level II ecoregion delineations for each of the 94 studies. Annual N and P runoff data are now available from 11 of the 50 North American Level II ecoregions, which represent the major U.S. agricultural regions. Surprisingly, many of the studies did not report information such as fertilizer application timing or crop yields, thus we strongly encourage future nutrient loss studies to collect important descriptive data along with response data. This contemporary data repository is freely available from the USDA Ag Data Commons ( to support future scientific analyses, model evaluations, and management and policy decisions. In the present study, we used the recently updated MANAGE database to conduct meta-type analyses of N and P in runoff from cropland and grasslands for North American Level II ecoregions. Specifically, we analyzed annual N and P loads and the impact of land use, tillage, fertilizer timing, and fertilizer placement. We compared nutrient loads across ecoregions and found that Temperate Prairies had significantly greater median total N loads (11.7 kg/ha/yr) than all other ecoregions. We found that there was considerable variability between ecoregions and management practices making one size fits all best management practice recommendations difficult. When management practices were compared across all ecoregions, consistent trends were evident. Conventional tillage, incorporating fertilizer, preplant fertilizer application timing, and corn land use all had significantly higher median total N loads compared to other practices, at 19.5, 23.6, 12.3, and 33.0 kg/ha/yr respectively. We observed several notable differences between ecoregions, for example: 1) the Temperate Prairies, dominated by highly erodible cultivated land, had significantly higher median annual total N loads (11.7 kg/ha/yr) than the South Central Semi-Arid Prairies (2.4 kg/ha/yr) dominated by grasslands; 2) corn production tended to produce higher N and P loads than other land uses in the Mixed Wood Plains, Southeastern USA Plains, and Ozark-Ouachita/Appalachian Forests; and 3) no-till had the highest dissolved P loads in the Southeastern USA Plains and Temperate Prairies, but conventional tillage had the highest dissolved P loads in the Ozark-Ouachita/Appalachian Forests. These data – that have never before been compiled and analyzed by ecoregion - should prove valuable for improving regional understanding of nutrient fate and transport, informing field-scale agricultural management decisions, and launching more in-depth, multi-factor analyses. Common agricultural land management practices, as present in MANAGE, were also quantified based on the effect they had on N and P loads. Consistent trends were defined across ecoregions. Conventional tillage led to significantly greater total N load (19 kg/ha/yr) than conservation or no-tillage practices (5.9 and 6.8 kg/ha/yr respectively). Incorporating N and P fertilizers typically led to significantly higher total N loads than injection or surface applications. Total N (23 kg/ha/yr), for example, was greater than injection or surface applications (5.4 and 3.2 kg/ha/yr respectively). Fertilizer application timings associated with preplant or out of season applications also led to typically greater loads, with preplant and split (preplant and out of season) producing 12.33 and 16.0 kg/ha/yr. Lastly, corn production and to a lesser extent wheat and small grains were the most significant drivers of N and P load loss. Corn and wheat produced 33.0 and 5.9 kg/ha/yr of total N. The interaction of management decisions on one another was examined and quantified using a generalized linear model. We found that there were significant pairwise interactions between agricultural management practices. For example, conventional tillage generally increased nutrient loads when combined with surface fertilizer placement. We were able to produce a model aimed at predicting nutrient loads based upon fertilizer timing and placement, ecoregions, tillage, and land use that produced an R2 value of 0.92 and a mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.30 and 0.50 for annual dissolved N loads in runoff. Our results should lead to improved policy and management decisions and are of importance across a wide scale of management size from small scale farms to large scale farms, to governmental agencies managing soil and water resources across the continent. Based on results of this research, a proposed ecoregion nutrient load target was suggested, along with practices that could be implemented within those ecoregions to reduce the possibility of excess nutrient loads. The load target was set as the 90th percentile of the annual nutrient load produced under conservation tillage. Under these guidelines, the ecoregions that had the greatest volume of exceedances were the Southeastern USA Plains, Temperate Prairies, and the Mississippi Alluvial/Southeastern USA Plains, which are ecoregions in which conservation tillage and split application of fertilizer timing were shown to be effective in reducing nutrient loads.Item Open Access A study of long-term soil moisture dynamics: assessing biologically available water as a function of soil development(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Salley, Shawn William, author; Kelly, Eugene F., advisor; Martin, Patrick H., advisor; Knapp, Alan, committee member; Kahosla, Raj, committee memberForecasting ecosystem responses to global change is highly uncertain in light of the alarming rates of climate change predicted by the scientific community. Rising CO₂ concentrations not only cause increased warming, but may also influence the amount and distribution of rainfall in terrestrial ecosystems. This in turn affects plant growth and the ability of ecosystems to perform important functions including nutrient cycling and decomposition. Soil moisture is considered the major control of ecosystem structure and function, and it is considered the most limiting resource to biological activity in semi-arid grassland ecosystems. Total soil moisture potentials are controlled by edaphic properties such as texture, structure, micro-porosity, bulk density, soil depth, clay mineralogy, and organic matter content. Physical and chemical properties interact with hydrologic inflows and outflows to control soil moisture causing the soil to act as a store and regulator in the water flow system of the overall ecosystem. Thus, the soil acts as both temporary storage of precipitation inputs and as a regulator controlling the partition between inputs and the major outflows: evapotranspiration, runoff, leaching, and flow between organisms. Understanding the pedologic controls of water retention is critical in considering the long-term dynamics of ecosystems and projecting the consequence of global change. The focus of my dissertation is twofold: to elucidate the change in water holding characteristics of soils through pedogenesis and to quantify how global change will impact soil moisture in the U.S. Great Plains. In order to best address my research questions, I began by studying two established soil-chronosequences in northeast Colorado and central Wyoming to assess the characteristics of soil's physical and chemical properties. I examined how they control the biologically available water holding capacities that change predictably as a function of soil age. Next, I examined other notable soil chronosequences across the western United States to test the millennial evolution of soil water holding capacities through various climates and soil parent materials. Finally, I used a soil moisture simulation to spatially model the historical, contemporary, and future projections of soil moisture on the Great Plains. I found in semi-arid ecosystems that three broad stages of soil development exist and are linked to landscape ages that are ecologically and biogeochemically significant: aggrading, equilibrium, and retrogressive stages. Soils in the aggrading stage are typically weakly developed, have genetically simple horizon differentiation, and minimal water retention. Prominent clay and carbonate features are expressed in the equilibrium stage soils which show more complex soil horizonation, structure, aggregation, and porosity. Within these intermediate soils, the capacity to store water reaches a maximum. Declining or retrogressive stage soils show losses of clays and carbonates, have undergone extensive leaching, and the soil's capacity to store water is at a minimum compared to the aggrading and equilibrium stages. Furthermore, I confirmed when modeling soil moisture in the Great Plains that course-textured landscapes store less soil water and when accompanied with disturbance are more vulnerable to climate change. Overall, my dissertation focuses on understanding the role pedogenesis has on soil water holding characteristics and how global change impacts semiarid landscapes. My results have helped improve understanding of long-term ecosystem biophysical feedbacks through quantifying soil moisture retention characteristics across soil age and climatic processes by linking soil water properties to climatic and pedogenic variables.Item Open Access Acid hydrolysis of easily dispersed and microaggregate-derived silt- and clay-sized fractions to isolate resistant soil organic matter(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2006-08) Conant, R. T., author; Paustian, K., author; Paul, Eldor A., author; Plante, A. F., author; Six, J., author; British Society of Soil Science, publisherThe current paradigm in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics is that the proportion of biologically resistant SOM will increase when total SOM decreases. Recently, several studies have focused on identifying functional pools of resistant SOM consistent with expected behaviours. Our objective was to combine physical and chemical approaches to isolate and quantify biologically resistant SOM by applying acid hydrolysis treatments to physically isolated silt- and clay-sized soil fractions. Microaggegrate-derived and easily dispersed silt- and clay-sized fractions were isolated from surface soil samples collected from six long-term agricultural experiment sites across North America. These fractions were hydrolysed to quantify the non-hydrolysable fraction, which was hypothesized to represent a functional pool of resistant SOM. Organic C and total N concentrations in the four isolated fractions decreased in the order: native > no-till > conventional-till at all sites. Concentrations of non-hydrolysable C (NHC) and N (NHN) were strongly correlated with initial concentrations, and C hydrolysability was found to be invariant with management treatment. Organic C was less hydrolysable than N, and overall, resistance to acid hydrolysis was greater in the silt-sized fractions compared with the clay-sized fractions. The acid hydrolysis results are inconsistent with the current behaviour of increasing recalcitrance with decreasing SOM content: while %NHN was greater in cultivated soils compared with their native analogues, %NHC did not increase with decreasing total organic C concentrations. The analyses revealed an interaction between biochemical and physical protection mechanisms that acts to preserve SOM in fine mineral fractions, but the inconsistency of the pool size with expected behaviour remains to be fully explained.Item Open Access Active sensing: an innovative tool for evaluating grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of multiple wheat genotypes(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Naser, Mohammed Abdulridha, author; Khosla, Rajiv, advisor; Haley, Scott, committee member; Reich, Robin, committee memberPrecision agricultural practices have significantly contributed to the improvement of crop productivity and profitability. Remote sensing based indices, such as Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) have been used to obtain crop information. It is used to monitor crop development and to provide rapid and nondestructive estimates of plant biomass, nitrogen (N) content and grain yield. Remote sensing tools are helping improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) through nitrogen management and could also be useful for high NUE genotype selection. The objectives of this study were: (i) to determine if active sensor based NDVI readings can differentiate wheat genotypes, (ii) to determine if NDVI readings can be used to classify wheat genotypes into grain yield productivity classes, (iii) to identify and quantify the main sources of variation in NUE across wheat genotypes, and (iv) to determine if normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) could characterize variability in NUE across wheat genotypes. This study was conducted in north eastern Colorado for two years, 2010 and 2011. The NDVI readings were taken weekly during the winter wheat growing season from March to late June, in 2010 and 2011 and NUE were calculated as partial factor productivity and as partial nitrogen balance at the end of the season. For objectives i and ii, the correlation between NDVI and grain yield was determined using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient (r) and linear regression analysis was used to explain the relationship between NDVI and grain yield. The K-means clustering algorithm was used to classify mean NDVI and mean grain yield into three classes. For objectives iii and iv, the parameters related to NUE were also calculated to measure their relative importance in genotypic variation of NUE and power regression analysis between NDVI and NUE was used to characterize the relationship between NDVI and NUE. The results indicate more consistent association between grain yield and NDVI and between NDVI and NUE later in the season, after anthesis and during mid-grain filling stage under dryland and a poor association in wheat grown in irrigated conditions. The results suggest that below saturation of NDVI values (about 0.9), (i.e. prior to full canopy closure and after the beginning of senescence or most of the season under dryland conditions) NDVI could assess grain yield and NUE. The results also indicate that nitrogen uptake efficiency was the main source of variation of NUE among genotypes grown in site-years with lower yield. Overall, results from this study demonstrate that NDVI readings successfully classified wheat genotypes into grain yield classes across dryland and irrigated conditions and characterized variability in NUE across wheat genotypes.Item Open Access Adaptability of oilseed species at high altitudes of Colorado and technology transfer to Afghanistan(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Sediqi, Mohammad Navid, author; Johnson, Jerry J., advisor; Byrne, Patrick F., committee member; Jha, Ajay K., committee memberTo view the abstract, please see the full text of the document.Item Open Access Adsorption, leaching, and dissipation of pyroxasulfone and two chloroacetamide herbicides(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Westra, Eric P., author; Barbarick, Ken, advisor; Shaner, Dale, committee member; Khosla, Raj, committee member; Schwartz, Howard, committee memberPyroxasulfone is a new pyrazole herbicide that controls weeds by inhibiting very long chain fatty acid synthesis. This mechanism of action places pyroxasulfone in the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) group 15 or Herbicide Resistant Action Committee (HRAC) group K3 herbicides that include s-metolachlor and dimethenamid-p. Dimethenamid-p and s-metolachlor are referred to in literature as acetamide, acetanilide, chloroacetamide, or chloroacetanilide herbicides. In this thesis, these two herbicides are referred to as chloroacetamide herbicides based on the HRAC classification. The soil interactions of pyroxasulfone were evaluated and compared to s-metolachlor and dimethenamid-p to better understand how pyroxasulfone will behave under various field conditions Pyroxasulfone was compared with these two standard herbicides because of their similar mechanisms of action, use patterns, potential for use in similar cropping systems, and similar weed control spectrums. Sorption coefficients were determined for 25 different soils to evaluate relative differences in binding among pyroxasulfone, dimethenamid-p, and s-metolachlor. Across all soil types, the relative order of binding was pyroxasulfone=dimethenamid-p < s-metolachlor. Pyroxasulfone and dimethenamid-p were not statistically different in terms of their binding; however, s-metolachlor binding was statistically greater than both dimethenamid-p and pyroxasulfone. For all three herbicide, organic matter was the only soil property which was highly and significantly correlated to herbicide adsorption; all other soil properties correlated with herbicide adsorption could be explained by the correlation of OM and those soil properties. Based on the water solubility of these three herbicides, we expected the order of binding to be dimethenamid-p < s-metolachlor < pyroxasulfone. This study displayed the unique characteristics of pyroxasulfone in that it has the lowest water solubility of the three herbicides, yet sorption coefficient values indicate that pyroxasulfone is only loosely adsorbed by soil. Reduced soil binding along with a higher unit of activity makes pyroxasulfone a potent herbicide that provides comparable weed control when applied as low as one-eighth of typical application rates for other chloroacetamide herbicides. Field studies were conducted in 2009 and 2010 at two contrasting field sites to evaluate the dissipation and movement of pyroxasulfone and s-metolachlor in the top 30 cm of the soil profile. The site at the horticultural farm (HORT) has a Nunn clay loam soil (Argiustoll), whereas the site at the Limited Irrigation Farm (LIRF) has an Olney fine sandy loam soil (Haplargid). Dissipation half-lives (DT50) were the shortest at the Hort farm site with the heavier textured clay loam soil and increased moisture content. The LIRF site with lighter textured sandy loam soil and decreased moisture resulted in extended DT50 values and more variation between replicates for both herbicides. Across both years and field sites, pyroxasulfone DT50s were approximately twice as long as for s-metolachlor. The extended half-life of pyroxasulfone suggests that it would provide longer weed control compared to s-metolachlor. Herbicide movement in the top 30 cm of the soil profile was greater at the LIRF site which suggests that movement was influenced by soil type to a greater extent than irrigation amount, since the LIRF site received much less total irrigation yet had the most movement downward in the profile. In general, pyroxasulfone moved downward in the profile to a greater extent than s-metolachlor. Observed herbicide movement confirmed sorption coefficient data that shows that pyroxasulfone is bound less to the soil compared to metolachlor and, hence, is more available in the soil solution where the herbicide movement is influenced by mass flow. Extended observed half-lives, reduced soil binding, and increased unit activity indicate that pyroxasulfone is a potent inhibitor of very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) biosynthesis that can provide comparable weed control for longer periods of time at reduced use rates when compared to commonly used chloroacetamide herbicides.Item Open Access Agricultural conservation networks in Iowa(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023-09) Luxton, India, author; Ellis, Elizabeth, author; Arnold, Parker, author; Shakya, Prasiddha, author; Lee, Juliet, author; Ravetta, Emilia, author; Toombs, Ted, author; Mook, Anne, author; Cross, Jeni, authorIowa's farmlands, celebrated for their remarkable agricultural productivity, are facing pressing environmental challenges, including soil erosion, waterway nitrogen pollution, and vulnerability to extreme weather events. These issues imperil the state's agricultural sector's long-term sustainability and economic stability. Despite substantial investments from governmental and non-governmental entities to encourage conservation practice use, adoption rates remain persistently low. In this report, we use quantitative, qualitative, and social network analysis on a sample of 38 farmers to understand how social networks shape their adoption of conservation practices. We analyze data through a systems framework and compare counties with high- and low-adoption of conservation practices to assess influences from the individual farmer level to the broader societal context. We conclude with a discussion of strategic implications to promote conservation adoption.Item Open Access Agriculture's role in greenhouse gas mitigation(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2006-09) Paul, Eldor A., author; Sheehan, John, author; Antle, John M., author; Paustian, Keith, author; Pew Center on Global Climate Change, publisherThis report describes opportunities for U.S. agriculture to contribute to reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change was established by the Pew Charitable Trusts to bring a new cooperative approach and critical scientific, economic, and technological expertise to the global climate change debate.Item Open Access Agronomic factors affecting dryland grain sorghum maturity and production in northeast Colorado(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2012) Sauer, Sally M., author; Johnson, Jerry J., advisor; Hansen, Neil C., committee member; Jha, Ajay K., committee member; McMaster, Gregory S., committee member; Vigil, Merle F., committee memberTo view the abstract, please see the full text of the document.Item Open Access Agronomic responses of grass and alfalfa hayfields to no and partial season irrigation as part of a Western Slope water bank(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Jones, Lyndsay P., author; Brummer, Joe, advisor; Cabot, Perry, committee member; Davis, Jessica, committee memberProlonged drought and increasing demand for water resources has caused growing concern over Colorado's ability to fulfill legal water obligations as identified in the Colorado River Compact. A Western Slope Water Bank, which would entail agricultural water users entering into short-term leases and temporarily withholding or reducing irrigation, could be a partial solution to free up water to fulfill these obligations. Grass and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) hayfields may be ideal for inclusion in a water bank as they are the primary users of agricultural water in this region and may have a greater ability to withstand water stress in comparison to other crops. This study was conducted to determine effects of withholding irrigation for a full season from high elevation grass hayfields and implementing partial season irrigation on lower elevation alfalfa hayfields on forage yield, nutritional quality, and associated recovery period to confirm if this approach is worth pursuing. In Year 1, five established grass hayfields on the Colorado Western Slope were split into side-by-side plots, one of which was irrigated according to the manager’s normal practices as the control while the other was subjected to total cessation of irrigation. Both plots were irrigated in Year 2. In Year 1, average dry matter yields in non-irrigated plots were reduced to 39% (2497 kg ha-1) of the control (6377 kg ha-1). Neutral detergent fiber (aNDF) concentration in non-irrigated plots was 5% lower while crude protein (CP) content was 30% greater than the control. In-vitro true digestibility (IVTD) was unaffected by irrigation treatment. Yields of non-irrigated plots did not fully recover when returned to irrigation in Year 2 producing 49% (3623 kg ha-1) of the control (7442 kg ha-1). When returned to irrigation, aNDF concentrations were still reduced by 8% and CP contents were similar to that of the control. In the single site sampled after returning to full irrigation for 2 years, yields had fully recovered. It is probable that participation by producers in a water bank would be largely influenced by compensation for reduced yields the season of withholding irrigation as well as the following year when irrigation is returned to grass hayfields. Three established alfalfa fields were subjected to irrigation treatments including irrigation according to the manager’s normal practices (control), irrigation stopped after the 1st cutting (SA1), and irrigation stopped after the 2nd cutting (SA2) for 2 consecutive years. Averaged over both years, SA2 plots maintained production similar to the control in the 1st and 2nd cutting while SA1 plots were reduced to 61% (2089 kg ha-1) of the control (3430 kg ha-1) by the 2nd cutting. By the 3rd cutting, SA2 and SA1 yields decreased to 53% (1804 kg ha-1) and 30% (1013 kg ha-1) of the control, respectively. On a total season basis, both plots receiving partial season irrigation were reduced with SA2 plots producing 72% (7880 kg ha-1) and SA1 plots producing 33% (3650 kg ha-1) of the control (11040 kg ha-1). aNDF concentrations were greatest in the control at 34.6% and lowest in SA1 plots at 28.2%. By the 2nd cutting, SA1 plots had the highest IVTD (80%), and by the 3rd cutting, SA2 and SA1 plots were equally greater (80%) than the control (75%). Effects on CP content were inconsistent. These results suggest that reduced irrigation may improve forage quality slightly, but will significantly reduce yields. When irrigation is returned the following year, forages may have increased quality due to reduced fiber content, but grass yields will likely not fully recover while alfalfa yields may recover depending on length and severity of reduced irrigation. Due to its ability to recover, using partial season irrigation similar to that of the SA2 treatment on alfalfa hayfields may be the most practical approach to make water available to a Western Slope water bank.Item Open Access Alfalfa reference crop evapotranspiration in Colorado and its use for irrigation scheduling(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2015) Aljrbi, Abdulkariem Mukhtar, author; Davis, Jessica G., advisor; Andales, Allan A., advisor; Qian, Yaling, committee member; Hansen, Neil, committee memberThe goal of irrigation scheduling is efficient use of water such that water is applied to the field for optimal crop production. Previous studies have optimized irrigation scheduling using different models to manage sprinkler irrigation. This research evaluated approaches for obtaining alfalfa reference evapotranspiration (ETr) and its use in a new irrigation scheduling model for a furrow irrigation system. The objectives of this research were to: 1) Compare seasonal trends of daily ETr from the American Society of Civil Engineers Standardized Penman-Monteith (ASCE-SPM) equation and the Penman-Kimberly (PK) equation along a climatic gradient in Colorado, 2) Verify the agreement between calculated ETr from the ASCE-SPM equation and measured ETr from a lysimeter during the 2010 season for the Arkansas Valley of Colorado and correct the lysimeter ETr for alfalfa overgrowth, and 3) Test the ASCE-SPM ETr along with a locally adapted Kcr curve for corn in an irrigation scheduling spreadsheet tool for simulating the daily soil water deficit of furrow irrigated corn in northeast Colorado. The two reference ET equations were compared using R2, Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE), Relative Error (RE), and index of agreement (d). The R2 values ranged from 0.93 to 0.99; d ranged from 0.98 to 0.99, RMSE ranged from 0.29 to 0.75 mm/d, and RE ranged from -6.35 to 1.91 %. In a comparison of the ASCE-SPM and PK equations at the Fort Collins and Rogers Mesa sites in 2011, differences were observed between the energy balance and aerodynamic terms of each equation. The energy budget calculated by the ASCE-SPM was generally 28% lower than the energy budget calculated by the PK equation at both locations for 2011. On the other hand, the aerodynamic term calculated by the ASCE-SPM equation was from 27 - 28 % higher than the aerodynamic term calculated from PK during most of 2011 at both locations. The second objective of this research compared alfalfa ET measured with a lysimeter in the center of a 4.06 ha furrow irrigated field at the Colorado State University Arkansas Valley Research Center in Rocky Ford, CO to the calculated values from the ASCE-SPM equation in periods of reference conditions in 2010. Four days were selected when alfalfa in the lysimeter was 50 - 55 cm tall, unstressed, completely covering the ground, but with its canopy extending beyond the outer walls of the lysimeter. On these dates, hourly lysimeter ETr was 0.08 to 0.11 mm/h higher than ASCE-SPM ETr. The theoretical surface area of the lysimeter was 9.181 m², while the observed effective canopy area was up to 12.461 m² due to overgrowth. Surface area corrections for the overgrowth increased the index of agreement (d) between hourly lysimeter ETr and ASCE-SPM ETr from the 0.96 - 0.98 range to the 0.99 - 1.0 range. These results showed that it is important to use the correct effective canopy area when computing ETr from a weighing lysimeter. The CIS model for calculating water deficit under a furrow irrigation system with the addition of some data from field measurements such as soil moisture content, gross irrigation, climate data, and plant height and leaf area index generated good results. The water deficit under corn was simulated at the Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF) located near Greeley, Colorado during the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. Daily corn crop ET (ETc) calculated from daily ASCE-SPM ETr and a locally-derived crop coefficient curve (Kcr) were used by the CIS for daily soil water deficit calculations via water balance. This data was used to test a furrow irrigation system via the CIS model and to simulate the field irrigation by predicting the time and the amount of water for the next irrigation. The results showed good agreement between calculated and measured deficits where index of agreement (d) ranged from 0.5 to 0.99 for most years of this study, specifically when measurements of soil water content (SWC) were inserted bi-weekly or monthly. The RMSE did not exceed 2.54 mm when using SWC once per season in 2011, while bi-weekly measurements recorded d to be 0.96 in 2010, 0.99 in 2011 and 0.70 in 2012. Also, the CIS showed that irrigation water usage could be reduced by 30 to 50% through use of CIS.Item Open Access Alfalfa water use under deficit irrigation for farm savings(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2022) Sitterson, Jan, author; Andales, Allan A., advisor; Mooney, Daniel F., committee member; Brummer, Joe E., committee memberColorado water law allows for water rights to be leased between agriculture and municipality users. Decreasing the consumptive use (CU) of agricultural land while maintaining profits and yields will allow farmers to lease their water rights for revenue. Deficit irrigation is a water-saving approach to avoid the complete dry up of irrigated farmland while providing profitable yields and monetary gains from water transfers. To maximize water savings, efficient irrigation systems such as subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) are used to prevent water losses from soil evaporation. This study evaluated the feasibility of using SDI with deficit irrigation practices to grow alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) at production scale in northeast Colorado (2018 – 2022). Alfalfa was found to have good potential for decreasing CU due to its drought tolerance, multiple harvests per season, and improved quality of hay with less irrigation water. The Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficient Application (WISE) model was also found to be a useful tool for estimating CU of deficit irrigated alfalfa and the regrowth phases after multiple harvests in a growing season. Mid-season corrections of the soil water deficit in WISE improved the accuracy of modeled CU. Overall the water savings from deficit irrigation at low, medium, and high irrigation levels with an SDI system can be profitable when prices for leasing water exceed hay prices per unit area of production.Item Open Access Amendment effects on soil physical properties and restoration of decommissioned forest roads(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2017) Berlejung, John Michael, author; Fonte, Steven, advisor; Rhoades, Charles, committee member; Paschke, Mark, committee memberUnsealed forest roads, including logging roads and unauthorized roads created by hunters, miners, and recreational users, generate significant harmful effects to local ecosystems and waterways. Rapid restoration of these roads is necessary to prevent erosion, downstream implications for water quality, and a variety of other deleterious ecosystem impacts. Soil amendments, including mulches, composts, and other materials, offer promise to improve soil health, restore soil structure, and support revegetation of these sites. I tested the viability of three locally-sourced soil amendments wood straw mulch, Biosol fertilizer, and biochar alone and in paired combinations to restore soil physical properties important for improved hydrologic function and plant growth. I found that amendment combinations of biochar + mulch and biochar + Biosol significantly reduced soil bulk density when compared to unamended controls. Other factors (aggregate stability, infiltration, sediment production) suggested potential for improvement relative to unamended control plots, but no significant differences between treatments were observed due to high variability within and between sites. Regression analyses revealed that soil physical properties, particularly wet aggregate stability, was significantly correlated with key soil erosion parameters such as infiltration and runoff, suggesting aggregate stability could provide a useful measure of soil restoration success.Item Open Access An integrated approach to local based biofuel development(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2011) Enjalbert, Jean-Nicolas, author; Johnson, Jerry J., advisor; Peterson, Gary, 1940-, committee member; Olsen, Daniel B., committee member; McKay, John K., committee member; Byrne, Patrick F., 1948-, committee memberOilseed crops have potential to replace a portion of the on-farm energy demand currently satisfied by fossil fuel. This dissertation allies mechanical engineering, field testing, and molecular breeding research into an integrated approach to solve problems associated with straight vegetable oil (SVO) production and use on Colorado farms. Four related topics of investigation and activity are reported. To identify an adapted, short-season oilseed crop that could fit into the current High Plains dryland cropping system, a genetic diversity study was conducted on three potential oilseed species: Brassica juncea, Brassica carinata, and Camelina sativa. To illuminate the genetic basis of camelina response to drought stress, a two-year study of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was implemented under dry and irrigated conditions using 181 recombinant inbred lines (RILS) developed from European cultivars. To understand and eventually manage camelina production, a multi-environmental regional trial of camelina seed yield, oil content, and oil quality was conducted with eight American and European varieties. Extension activities introduced SVO information and technology to farmers in Colorado. Camelina sativa showed better adaptation to semi-arid environments than B. juncea and B. carinata, outyielding them due to camelina's shorter stature, higher harvest index, and greater resistance to flea beetle. Camelina yield, oil content, and linolenic fatty acid (FA) content were higher in cool, wet environments than in warm, dry environments. Linolenic FA content and seed size were negatively correlated (p<0.05) with early flowering time. Earlier flowering was associated with increased seed yield (p<0.01) under dry and hot environments, but with decreased seed yield under irrigation. Environment was a larger source of variation than genotype for all the traits measured in this study. Twenty-nine QTLs were found in camelina for seed yield, oil quality, and drought-tolerance-related traits such as leaf water content and leaf nitrogen content, which could lead to breeding for improvement of camelina performance in semi-arid environments. Some QTLs were shared by multiple traits, suggesting either pleiotropic effects or proximity of genes. The cumulative effect of stable, favorable alleles for seed yield was a 16% increase in yield. Trait responses to moisture varied widely, both in the multi-environmental regional trial using cultivars and in the single-location trial using RILs. The range of trait response reflects variation in plasticity in camelina germplasm. Two analysis methods, namely, additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and the moisture difference value method, were used to detect false positive QTLs and to predict QTL effect in specific environments. AMMI was used successfully to delineate mega-environments within the study region and to identify the best-adapted varieties for these mega-environments. With the QTL data developed in this study, marker-assisted selection could be used to identify camelina varieties adapted to specific environments or to a broad range of environments. Five lines possessing three favorable yield QTLs expressed under drought conditions are undergoing seed increase and additional multi-locational testing for potential release. Oilseed-for-biofuel workshops, crusher demonstrations, and oilseed field days were conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of potential advantages of SVO for farmers wanting an alternative energy source to reduce their use of fossil fuel. A limited number of early adopters are beginning to integrate camelina into their crop rotation. Three small oilseed crushing and processing facilities have been established from collaboration with farmers and other agencies, and another is in the design stage. Two extension fact sheets will be published on camelina production and on biofuel production at a farm scale.Item Open Access An NLR gene likely underlying RMES1 provides global sorghum resistance bolstered by RMES2(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2023) VanGessel, Carl, author; Morris, Geoffrey, advisor; Nalam, Vamsi, committee member; Roberts, Robyn, committee member; Mason, Esten, committee memberBreeding for aphid host plant resistance in sorghum has been an area of interest since the emergence of Melanaphis sorghi in North America a decade ago. In order to develop durable sorghum aphid resistance, breeders must be equipped with tools (trait package) and knowledge (molecular mechanisms) of host plant resistance. In this dissertation, I characterize the current state of sorghum aphid breeding and propose a genotype to phenotype map for the major source of global resistance, Resistance to Melanaphis sorghi 1. Relying on near-isogenic lines, I demonstrate that RMES1 is applying selection pressure to sorghum aphid through reduction in fecundity that discriminates among aphid species. In global sorghum lines, RMES1 is rare whereas a second resistance source, RMES2, is common and present in historic breeding germplasm. I mapped RMES2 in Haitian breeding populations where it contributes fitness increases while lacking antagonistic pleiotropy and is selected for alongside RMES1. These results suggest breeding programs may unknowingly be deploying both sources of resistance which in combination are reducing the likelihood of M. sorghi biotype shifts to overcome RMES1. As aphid resistance may rely on phytochemical and/or induction with extended phenotypes regarding aphid populations, I used pan-genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic resources to describe the molecular mechanism of RMES1. Structural variation at the Chr06 locus underlies presence/absence variation of several nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptor (NLR) genes. Two of these candidate genes, SbPI276837.06G016400 and SbPI276837.06G016600, are representatives of two orthologous NLR groups which have genomic and transcriptomic evidence of underlying RMES1 resistance. The PAL branch of the salicylic acid pathway is the primary phytohormone pathway responsible for RMES1-induced resistance. Finally, metabolome reorganization mirroring transcriptome changes suggest RMES1 is inducing multiple downstream mechanisms responsible for reducing aphid fecundity. While the causal gene underlying RMES1 remains to be cloned and the eliciting aphid factor is unknown, this research suggests that gene-for-gene dynamics could lead to resistance-breaking biotype shifts and combining RMES1 with additional resistance genes e.g. RMES2, will help achieve durability.Item Open Access Analysis of land use change and greenhouse gas emissions in Kalasin Province, Thailand(Colorado State University. Libraries, 2018) Chailangka, Preeyarat, author; Paustian, Keith, advisor; Fonte, Steven, committee member; Leisz, Stephen, committee memberGrowing global population causes many stresses on the environment, perhaps the most serious is global warming due to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Major contributors to GHG emissions include agricultural production and land use change. Southeast Asia is one of the world's fastest growing regions and provides many crops for export, so the land use changes are rapid and not always made in an environmentally conscious manner. The province chosen for this study, Kalasin, is located in a major economic development region with the multi-country East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) running through it. The EWEC has brought many changes to this province such as expansion of the manufacturing sector, more urban growth to support new factories, and new roads to reach areas which were previously not developed. The largest single land use in Thailand and the Kalasin province is cropland. There have been many changes in farming practices in the province as well, from the types of crops grown to the increasing numbers of commercial farms. These shifts in land use are leading to changes in the amount of GHG emissions and are also leading to land degradation in parts of the province as well. The largest GHGs emissions in agricultural sector come from rice cultivation (45%), followed by biomass carbon stock losses (40%). Some government policies have led to crops being grown on unsuitable lands, which is often associated with greater use of fertilizers and intensive tillage practices applied. Other practices involve draining wetlands, creating rice paddies on unsuitable soils, or clearing forests to farm the area. In this study we look at land use and land use changes throughout the province and use that data to estimate a GHG emissions inventory in the agricultural sector in order to better understand the effects that growth, land use and land use changes in the Kalasin province have on the environment.