--------------------- Parent Folder: Scott_201804_10217-187763 --------------------- Files in Initial Data Submission: Submitted by Daniel Scott (dan.scott@colostate.edu) on 2018-04-17T18:20:21Z TableS1.csv: 87631 bytes, checksum: 037805e09dff7e635418c7cb5132ef46 (MD5) TableS1_metadata.csv: 5463 bytes, checksum: edab333ac356ebb6779abfccc2aa65cb (MD5) Resubmitted on 2018-05-15T18:45:04Z TableS1.csv: 87631 bytes, checksum: 037805e09dff7e635418c7cb5132ef46 (MD5) TableS1_metadata.csv: 5463 bytes, checksum: edab333ac356ebb6779abfccc2aa65cb (MD5) Updates sent via email on 3/4/20: DataSet_S1.csv DataSet_S1_metadata.csv README.docx README.pdf --------------------- Date first received: 4/17/18 --------------------- Curators: Tobin Magle, Alicia Conrardy, Mara Sedlins --------------------- Submission Contact Info: Name: Daniel Scott Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Department: Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington URL: https://sites.google.com/uw.edu/danielnscott/ e-mail/eID: dan.scott@colostate.edu, scott93@uw.edu Note: initially submitted the dataset with a CSU eID; coauthor is affiliated with CSU --------------------- Owner/Author Info (if different): --------------------- Handle/DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10217/187763 https://dx.doi.org/10.25675/10217/187763 --------------------- Additional Notes from data submission: This dataset was initially reviewed by Tobin in spring 2018. Later, in spring 2020 the depositor needed to make changes to the dataset, and Mara handled the review process. --------------------- Curator Notes: Rejected by C Magle (tobin.magle@colostate.edu), reason: Hi Daniel Thanks for your data submission. Your data and codebook are well formatted and are in good archival formats. Thanks for that! however, we need additional information about your dataset before accepting it into the repository. 1. Please fill out this discovery metadata sheet and email it to tobin.magle@colostate.edu https://colostate-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/maglet_colostate_edu/EdZpKf6mQxRJnk6kuuOoJ-kBG95OCzAGCF1JzOVMuyBjIQ?e=9g20sI 2. We also have some suggestions to improve your readme file. See the Readme checklist. Not all of these fields are required, but please provide as much relevant information as possible. https://colostate-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/maglet_colostate_edu/EeFsUJWOT5FHhr95GanlE_EB8HY1Pe8L9ez1aEj3joECNg?e=arwxXe Please add the readme file to your resubmission and email the discovery metadata sheet to tobin.magle@colostate.edu so we can accept your submission. Thanks for your patience as we integrate this information into the self-submission form. If you have any questions, please email tobin.magle@colostate.edu - Tobin on 2018-04-17T18:33:22Z (GMT) Depositor message received on 3/4/20: "I somewhat urgently need to update a dataset I previously submitted to the CSU digital repository. The dataset that needs to be updated is located at https://mountainscholar.org/handle/10217/187763 , and is titled "Dataset for Geomorphology and Climate Interact to Control Organic Carbon Stock and Age in Mountain River Valley Bottoms". I am the author of this dataset, and as the manuscript that describes these data is soon to be published, I will need to update the dataset file (the .csv files associated with the dataset), as they have changed as we have revised the submitted manuscript. The urgency for this request is due to the manuscript likely being publicly available soon. I really don't want people to accidentally download an outdated dataset for this publication. Please let me know how I can go about updating this dataset. For reference, I have attached the updated DataSet_S1.csv and DataSet_S1_metadata.csv files that should replace the existing Table_S1.csv and Table_S1_metadata.csv files currently in the dataset. I have also updated and attached the README file associated with the dataset." Alicia responded and made the dataset private until Mara could review the files. Mara's response to Dan on 3/4/20: "I made some light edits to the README (see attached) and updated the files in your record. Please let me know if everything looks good to you, and we can change the status to "public" to make the dataset discoverable in our repository." Dan's response: "Thanks for getting to this so quickly! The README looks good, other than that it still references TableS1 in a couple places (definitions of acronyms, etc., and variable information). Other than that, it all looks good. Thank you!" Mara's final response: "Good catch! I corrected that issue in the README file and made the record public again." 9/14/20: Updated the article citation.