The following model output is a subset of the data used to produce the figures in "Sensitivity of Convective Self-Aggregation to Domain Size". Full model output can be obtained by contacting The model output is from simulations of radiative-convective equilibrium using the cloud-resolving model, the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM). Four different square-domain sizes are used: S (768 x 768 km), M (1536 x 1536 km), L (3072 x 3072 km) and XL (6144 x 6144 km) with a horizontal grid spacing of 3 km and 64 vertical levels, over a maximum time of 350 simulated days. Hourly mean statistics are included in the subdirectory OUT_STAT, and hourly 2D fields are included in the subdirectory OUT_2D. Six-hourly 3D fields are included in the subdirectory OUT_3D. encompassing: - hourly mean statistics for all 4 domains over the entire simulation - 2D fields for the S, M and L domains over the entire simulation, - 3D fields for the S, M, L and XL domains near the end of simulation. Each file name has the following format: "" For example, "" corresponds to hourly mean statistics for the S domain, with a time step of 10 seconds over 250 simulated days and a sea-surface temperature of 302K. More details about the variables contained in each file can be found by using the command 'ncdump -h '.