--------------------- Parent Folder: Rathod_201911_10217-198711 --------------------- Files in Initial Data Submission: | APSCENTRAL.nc | APSCENTRALNOFIRES.nc | BMSCENT.nc | BMSCENTRALNOFIRES.nc | BMSHIGH.nc | BULKCENTRAL.nc | BULKHIGH.nc | NPSCENTRAL.nc | NPSCENTRALNOFIRES.nc | NPSHIGH.nc | README_Rathod_et.al.txt | TMSCENT.nc | TMSCENTRALNOFIRES.nc | TMSHIGH.nc Updated files sent on 3/31/20: Fe_Emissions_FUEL.nc Fe_Emissions_MINERAL_BASE.nc Fe_Emissions_MINERAL_TEMP.nc Fe_Emissions_TOTAL.nc Iron_Splits.csv Rathod_IronEmissions_JGR_SPEW_EmissionFactors.xlsx Rathod_IronEmissions_JGR_SPEW_Splits.xlsx README_Rathod_et_al.txt --------------------- Date first received: 11/8/19 --------------------- Curator: Mara Sedlins --------------------- Submission Contact Info: Name: Sagar Rathod Position: Graduate Research Assistant Department: Atmospheric Science e-mail/eID: Sagar.Rathod@colostate.edu phone: +1-331-218-9574 --------------------- Owner/Author Info (if different): --------------------- Handle/DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10217/198711 http://dx.doi.org/10.25675/10217/198711 --------------------- Additional Notes from data submission: Data were submitted for a manuscript that was in preparation. --------------------- Curator Notes: 11/8/19: Thank you for your submission to Mountain Scholar. I have a few suggestions for your README file that I wanted to run by you before publishing the dataset (see attachment). I would also suggest changing a couple of the file names as follows: BMSCENT.nc --> BMSCENTRAL.nc TMSCENT.nc --> TMSCENTRAL.nc Finally, are there additional authors you would like to add to the dataset record? (I noticed you mentioned "et al." in the README file.) Depositor response (11/8/19): --I have attached the README_v2 here. --Your suggestion of naming the files to BMSCENTRAL and TMSCENTRAL is perfect. Somehow I missed to harmonize them. Also, I have requested embargo on these files until they are under review. And I would like to know if you could please provide me with a DOI or a permalink that I can attach in my manuscript? 3/31/20: Added new files and updated the README. 9/11/20: Discovered that the article had been published, updated the citation in the Mountain Scholar metadata and in the README, made the record public.