Title: Data for "The Convection Connection: How ocean feedbacks affect tropical mean moisture and MJO propagation." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019. Authors: Charlotte A. DeMott, Nicholas P. Klingaman, Wan-Ling Tseng, Melissa Burt, Yingxia Gao, and David A. Randall. Abstract: This archive contains daily mean variables from eight model simulations used to produce figures in the above-referenced publication. Contact: Charlotte.DeMott@Colostate.edu Format of data files: zip files of netCDF-formatted data File Information: Each zip file contains time series of daily mean variables from 30S-30N, 30E-240E from the following simulations (see article text for full description): * SPCAM3-CPL * SPCAM3-ATM * MetUM-CPL * MetUM-ATM * ECHAM-CPL * ECHAM-ATM * CNRM-CPL * CNRM-AMT Variables included listed below. Variable names and units differ somewhat from model to model, but are clearly defined in the included netCDF metadata for each file: * Surface latent heat flux * Surface sensible heat flux * Surface net solar radiation flux * Surface net infrared radiation flux * Precipitation * Surface pressure * Precipitable water * Near-surface specific humidity * Surface temperature * Near-surface air temperature * 850 hPa zonal wind * 850 hPa meridional wind * Near-surface zonal wind * Near-surface meridional wind * Vmse: Vertically integrated moist static energy (MSE) * Vdmdt: Vertically integrated MSE tendency * Vlw: Vertically integrated longwave heating * Vsw: Vertically integrated shortwave heating * Vm_hadv: Vertically integrated horizontal MSE advection * Vudmdx: Vertically integrated horizontal MSE advection by the u-wind * Vvdmdy: Vertically integrated horizontal MSE advection by the v-wind * Vomegadmdp: Vertically integrated vertical MSE advection * omegadqdp850: vertical advection of specific humidity at 850 hPa